Kellee H. Smith, PRESTIGE PROPERTY SPECIALISTSPhone: (386) 507-9121

How To Decorate An Outdoor Space

by Kellee H. Smith 04/15/2018

Choosing outdoor furniture for your home can be a challenging task. You might not even know where to start. What type of furniture do you need? What colors should you choose? The process doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you take it step by step, and look at your own needs, the process will be easier for you. 

Pick Your Colors

The outdoors have a bit more flexibility than the indoors of your home. There are no wall colors to worry about, only the natural landscape and the shade of your deck. You can choose from a spectrum of colors to suit the feel you want to create in your outdoor space. Color will provide everything from a fun party atmosphere to a classy, refined outdoor space. Don’t be afraid to mix and match as well.

The Outdoors Are Your Indoors

If you have the style of your home down to a science, don’t be afraid to carry that look over to the outside of your home. You can use the same types of fabric textures and colors. Keep in mind that you’ll want a more durable fabric since your furniture may be exposed to the elements. 

Use the same design principles outdoors that you would with your indoor furniture. If you have an outdoor fireplace, for example, you can use that as a focal point to gather your furniture around. Don’t be afraid to have a setup similar to that of your living room including a coffee table, sofa-like chair, and other cozy seating.       

Keep It Visually Stimulating

Just like the inside of your home, the outside of your home is also a reflection of your personality. You can embrace the feeling of fun, bright colors, and contrasting shades. Use what makes you happy and the rest of the design will fall into place! 

Remember one of the simplest design principles when designing your outdoor space- use throw pillows! Throw pillows can add so much to a space. Find colors that bring out the best in your outdoor furniture and desired color patterns. When it comes to the outdoors, know that the bolder you go, the better your space will be! 

Forget The Rules

Your outdoor space is a place where you can just “forget the rules.” Go with what feels right for you. The outdoor space is less “stuffy” than the indoors. Not that the inside of your home isn’t comfortable, but the outdoors is a place where an “anything goes” attitude can really work for you.

About the Author

Kellee H. Smith

Prestige Property Specialists was started in 1988 by Jerry and Pat Smith. Their daughter, Kellee Smith, is the second generation Broker/Owner. The company has a set of core values that the brokerage prides itself on. Ethics, education, customer service and community involvement are at the top of the list. We consider ourself a real estate family. You will notice the difference when you walk into the office.

Prestige Property Specialists has an excellent reputation around West Volusia county. Our agents hold offices in many organizations because we are passionate about leaving this community a better place to work, live and play. Recycling is one of our passions and we worked with DeLand Breakfast Rotary and the City of DeLand to get recycle bins in the downtown DeLand area. If you get to downtown DeLand, you might see our recycling mascot, "Skip D. Landfill", roaming the streets. 

We cover the following areas: DeLand, Orange City, Debary, Deltona, Lake Mary, Sanford, Lake Helen, Deleon Springs and Pierson.