Kellee H. Smith, PRESTIGE PROPERTY SPECIALISTSPhone: (386) 507-9121

Feelings You Might Experience When You Buy a Home

by Kellee H. Smith 05/06/2018

Rome was not built in the day, and much in the same vein, buying a home may prove to be an exhausting yet rewarding process.

Ultimately, buying a house can be a lot of work. A typical homebuyer may need to commit substantial time and resources to browse the housing market, set up home showings and submit offers on residences. Therefore, homebuyers may experience many ups and downs as the homebuying process moves forward.

What are some of the most common feelings that homebuyers may experience? Here's a closer look at three feelings that you might experience as you search for your dream home.

1. Excitement

Entering the housing market is a time of change, leading to unparalleled excitement.

When you begin your search for the perfect home, you'll likely start with a clean slate. You may be able to move to any city or town in the United States. Or, you can move close to family members and friends. You can even live on your own or with family members and friends.

The possibilities are endless when you start your home search. And with a real estate agent at your disposal, you'll be able to maintain your excitement throughout the homebuying journey.

Your real estate agent will keep you up to date about new homes as they become available. He or she also will learn about your homebuying needs and enable you to narrow your search accordingly. Thus, your real estate agent will help you stay excited as you navigate the journey from homebuyer to homeowner.

2. Stress

Unfortunately, stress is common for homebuyers. As you prepare to check out houses and submit offers on homes, your stress levels may rise accordingly.

Lucky for you, hiring an experienced real estate agent can help you minimize stress levels.

Your real estate agent is happy to respond to your homebuying concerns and queries without delay. By doing so, he or she will help put your mind at ease. And if your stress levels start to rise, your real estate agent is available to provide you with the necessary support to help you alleviate stress.

3. Relief

Relief occurs after a homebuyer secures his or her dream home. At this point, a home seller may have accepted a homebuyer's offer, and a homebuyer likely has completed a home inspection that meets or exceeds his or her expectations. As such, a homebuyer only needs to finalize a purchase agreement to acquire his or her dream residence.

With support from a real estate agent, you can reach the relief stage of the homebuying process quickly. Your real estate agent will go above and beyond the call of duty to streamline the homebuying cycle. As a result, you should have no trouble finding and purchasing your dream home if you collaborate with an experienced real estate professional.

Get ready for the homebuying journey – work with an experienced real estate agent, and you can move one step closer to buying your ideal home.

About the Author

Kellee H. Smith

Prestige Property Specialists was started in 1988 by Jerry and Pat Smith. Their daughter, Kellee Smith, is the second generation Broker/Owner. The company has a set of core values that the brokerage prides itself on. Ethics, education, customer service and community involvement are at the top of the list. We consider ourself a real estate family. You will notice the difference when you walk into the office.

Prestige Property Specialists has an excellent reputation around West Volusia county. Our agents hold offices in many organizations because we are passionate about leaving this community a better place to work, live and play. Recycling is one of our passions and we worked with DeLand Breakfast Rotary and the City of DeLand to get recycle bins in the downtown DeLand area. If you get to downtown DeLand, you might see our recycling mascot, "Skip D. Landfill", roaming the streets. 

We cover the following areas: DeLand, Orange City, Debary, Deltona, Lake Mary, Sanford, Lake Helen, Deleon Springs and Pierson.