Kellee H. Smith, PRESTIGE PROPERTY SPECIALISTSPhone: (386) 507-9121

5 Snack Planning Tips for Moving Day

by Kellee H. Smith 01/28/2018

Let's face it – the process of packing up your belongings and moving them to a new home can be exhausting. However, if you prepare plenty of healthy, delicious snacks, you and your moving day team will be better equipped than ever before to conquer any challenges that come your way.

Ultimately, preparing snacks before moving day is essential. Yet determining which snacks to offer sometimes can be difficult, particularly for those who have large groups of family members and friends ready to provide moving day assistance.

Lucky for you, we're here to help you plan ahead so that you can provide your entire moving day team with outstanding snacks.

Now, let's take a look at five tips for preparing moving day snacks.

1. Get a Headcount

You know that family members and friends are happy to help you move, and you should get a headcount to understand just how much food that you'll need to keep your loved ones happy and healthy on moving day.

Remember, when it comes to moving day snacks, it usually is better to err on the side of caution. And if you end up with extra snacks after moving day concludes, you can always give these treats to family members and friends. Or, you can celebrate the completion of a successful move by enjoying your extra snacks on your own.

2. Ask People What Types of Snacks They Like

Learn what types of snacks that your family members and friends like. If you ask these loved ones about their preferred snacks several days or weeks prior to moving day, you'll have plenty of time to get snacks ready that your entire moving day team can enjoy.

3. Identify Any Dietary Restrictions

Ask friends and family members about any dietary restrictions that they may have. By doing so, you can avoid the risk of preparing snacks that certain members of your moving day team won't be able to eat.

4. Don't Forget About Drinks

Providing water and sports drinks on moving day usually is a good idea. Offering various beverages will make it easy for your family members and friends to stay hydrated while they move large, heavy boxes into your new house.

5. Be Ready to Call for Takeout

Even a well-planned morning or afternoon move can stretch late into the evening. As such, if you run out of snacks, you should be ready to call for takeout.

Make a list of takeout restaurants near your new home before moving day – you'll be glad you did. With this list, you'll be ready to call for takeout if moving day runs long and you need extra food.

Lastly, if you need additional assistance as you get ready for your move, it often pays to collaborate with a real estate agent. In addition to helping you buy or sell a home, this housing market professional can offer expert moving day tips.

Get snacks ready for moving day – use the aforementioned tips, and you should have no trouble providing your moving day team with delectable treats.

About the Author

Kellee H. Smith

Prestige Property Specialists was started in 1988 by Jerry and Pat Smith. Their daughter, Kellee Smith, is the second generation Broker/Owner. The company has a set of core values that the brokerage prides itself on. Ethics, education, customer service and community involvement are at the top of the list. We consider ourself a real estate family. You will notice the difference when you walk into the office.

Prestige Property Specialists has an excellent reputation around West Volusia county. Our agents hold offices in many organizations because we are passionate about leaving this community a better place to work, live and play. Recycling is one of our passions and we worked with DeLand Breakfast Rotary and the City of DeLand to get recycle bins in the downtown DeLand area. If you get to downtown DeLand, you might see our recycling mascot, "Skip D. Landfill", roaming the streets. 

We cover the following areas: DeLand, Orange City, Debary, Deltona, Lake Mary, Sanford, Lake Helen, Deleon Springs and Pierson.